Nestor Balanced Premium Food for Large Parrots with Nuts, Mungo Beans & Bananas 700ml

HAPPY BY NATURE – it’s ideally suited and balanced PREMIUM food with nuts, mungo beans and dried bananas, especially intended for big parrots. The food mixture is free of artificial ingredients, colourings and preservatives. All its elements have been carefully selected in accordance with the needs and nutritional requirements of parrots. It helps to protect birds' health and gives them vital powers derived straight from the nature.
Nuts are one of the richest sources of antioxidants: vitamin E, vitamins from group B. They contain fiber, easily digestible protein and essential fatty acids. They favorably affect digestion and the immune system.
Mungo bean contain a valuable protein whose amino acids affect the formation of feathers and their healthy appearance. Also, it’s a rich source of fibre, B-group vitamins, including folic acid and minerals.
Bananas provide carbohydrates in an easily assimilated form and do not burden the digestive system. They are rich sources of potassium, vitamin C and fibre. They contain fructooligosaccharides that have a beneficial influence on intestinal health.
black sunflower seeds
striped sunflower seeds
nuts 7%
dried carob beans
kardi seeds
mungo beans 3%
pumpkin seeds
big white sunflower seeds
dried bananas 1,5%
paddy rice