HÄGGVECKMAL Room darkening curtains, 1 pair, dark grey, 145x300 cm

The curtains darkens the room and provide privacy by preventing people outside from seeing into the room. Effective at keeping out both draughts in the winter and heat in the summer. The fabric in recycled polyester is easy-care and retains its colours ‒ wash after wash. Curtains with heading tape allow you to hang the curtain directly on the curtain rod using the rod pocket or tabs. You can also hinge the curtain onto a track rail using gliders and hooks. Using gliders and hooks usually creates a more formal and dressed-up feel, where hardware is not visible. Curtain, 1 pair included. The measurement applies to each individual curtain length. The curtains are sold in pairs. The sizes stated refer to each single curtain. For the total width, double the width of a single curtain. Since the fabric will shrink when washing it is a good idea to wash the curtains prior to cutting/hemming. You can use SY iron-on hemming strip to shorten the curtains without sewing.
Ikea Number: 00562123